Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Word Vomit

This was a submission for a scholarship, but I thought I would share it on here as well, for all you fellow writers.

I am creative. It sounds odd saying that out loud to myself- go ahead, you try it. Though a trait I have always been proud and assured of in myself, proving my creativity to others is a rather frustrating task. For my submission to the Fashion PR Confidential scholarship, I have chosen to showcase my creativity in the way I have found to be most personally effective- through my words. When we think of “creative” things, immediately we see colors, shapes, or images. We think of paintings, movies, delights to the eyes and senses. Though I love to paint, draw, and create beautiful objects, I know down to my core that my own ingenuity lies in my words. 

Writing is sometimes overlooked as a creative force, because it takes more time and patience to absorb. Glancing through a scrapbook is quicker and more immediately stimulating than reading a short story or essay. For me personally, however, the things I read often find a more permanent home in my heart and mind than those I simply look at.

Though I am by no means a bookworm (I barely get through a book a year, honestly) I tend to scribble, jot, and type incessantly. Some people have trouble shutting up if you get them talking, but oh boy do I have trouble putting the pen down. In the words of Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls, it just keeps coming out- like word vomit. I often wish I could post more writing on this blog without losing the interest of readers- but after some analysis of the written content of my blog in relation to views and comments, it’s (sadly) rather obvious that images still reign supreme. That’s to be expected however, as they’re essential to fashion blogging in general. This is the case with all the blogs I follow myself.

Writing allows me to design and restructure my thoughts into the most coherent, impactful, and sometimes, I feel, melodic expressions of the beautiful but exhausting chaos going on inside. Laugh if you want, I know that sounded like an emo song lyric. For someone with a whole lot of juice flowing around up there, but very little structure, writing has been an invaluable tool for sharing and expressing my ideas.

By being able to partake in this workshop, I’ll not only gain valuable knowledge about this industry I have been tirelessly working to break into since I started at AIS, but I will be able to meet other creative, juicy minds as well. When blogging, because it is, frankly, a selfish occupation, I sometimes feel discouraged or lonely, because I forget there are others out there making the same efforts or with the same interests. Participating in Fashion PR Confidential would allow me to connect to others working towards futures in fashion, and to inspire me to take new risks with my blogging or my career plans.

My writing is an honest expression of where my heart lays, my earnestness, and is a true and intimate reflection of the person I am.  So no, I don’t have an immaculate work of art or zany YouTube video to enter here today, but I do have these words. I have a passion for this industry, a mind overflowing with ideas and observations, and an ability to articulate this creativity to the world in hopes of inspiring it in the same way it continues to inspire me every single day. 
Published with Monogram

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